Winter Native Plant Shopping

The winter months can be a confusing time for those eager to buy plants for their garden. At Carolina Native Nursery, we know how tricky it can be to find beautiful plants that look healthy but seem a bit… bare this time of year. Don’t worry, though! If you’ve stopped by our nursery recently, you may have noticed that most of our plants look like they’re sleeping—our shrubs look like naked sticks, and our perennials can appear to be just pots of dirt. But trust us, everything is just fine!
A Little Help from Mother Nature
We don’t heat any of our greenhouses. Instead, we let Mother Nature do her thing. This means that during the colder months, most of our plants go completely dormant. They shed their leaves, and perennials die back to just their roots. While it may seem like nothing’s happening above ground, rest assured, your plants are very much alive and well.
Our pots are full of healthy, mature, and well-established root systems, even when you don’t see much growth above the surface. These plants are undergoing an important process called vernalization to prepare for spring and summer blossoms.
What is Vernalization?
Vernalization is a process in which plants endure a cold period to promote flowering. It’s a natural mechanism that allows plants to “know” when it’s the right time to bloom and reproduce. Different plants have different vernalization requirements, but all of our native shrubs and perennials go through this process. It’s one of nature’s magical wonders that plants are able to respond to temperature cues to ensure they’ll flower when the time is right.
How to Care for Dormant Plants
Now that you understand what’s going on, let’s talk about how to care for your dormant plants. If you purchase plants from us during the winter months, we recommend storing them in unheated but protected areas. The roots should be insulated from freezing temperatures, so be sure to surround them with pine straw, hay, or leaves. This will help ensure they stay safe until warmer weather arrives.
When it comes to watering dormant plants, less is more! Overwatering can cause the roots to rot, which will lead to plant loss. Native shrubs and perennials don’t need much water during the winter, as they are not actively growing during this period.
No Need to Fear Winter Plant Shopping
So there you have it! Winter plant shopping isn’t as scary as it seems. You can safely browse and purchase plants from our Bee Native Plant Shop year-round with confidence, knowing that your plants are just sleeping and going through their vernalization cycle. They’re getting ready to bloom extra big for you in the spring!
We hope this blog post helps you feel more confident in your winter plant purchases. Stop by Carolina Native Nursery anytime, and we’ll be happy to help you find the perfect plants for your garden!
Happy gardening!