Newsletter Volume 12

5th Annual Open House
Friday October 11th
Start making your plans now, bring your friends and neighbors, and have some fun. We will have nursery tours during the day. Last year’s open house was fantastic. We have posted a schedule on our website. This year there will be some open house discounts on plants for both wholesale and retail clients. So mark your calendars now and become a fan on Facebook to receive updates or check our website.
Plants on Sale
We have a problem you can help us with. After three years, we decided that perennials are not our passion; we love shrubs and are good at it. Consequently, all perennials are now on sale.
All 1 gallon perennials: $2.50
3 gallons for $7.00
Aronia ‘Red & Black Chokeberry’, Cornus amomum ‘Silky Dogwood’, Rhus glabra ‘Smooth Sumac’, Spiraea latifolia “Meadowsweet’, Blueberries, Cephalnthus occidentalis ‘Buttonbush’, Corylus americanus ‘Hazelnut’
Big 7 gallons for $12.50
Red Twig Dogwood, Aronia ‘Red Chokeberry’, Jersey Blueberries, Chionanthus ‘Fringetree’
Quick Review Of Some Plants Available Now
Please remember that all of this and more is always on our website under the catalog button on the toolbar, or call, or even email us. All is current now.
$12.50 3 gallon Shrubs
Alnus serrulata: Tag Alder
Calycanthus floridus: Sweetshrub
Clethra alnifolia: straight & Ruby Spice
Cornus stolonifera: Red Twig Dogwood
Diervilla sessifolia: Bush Honeysuckle
Hamamelis virginiana: Witchhazel
Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’
Physocarpus opulifolius: Ninebark
Rhus copallina: Shining Sumac
Rhus typhina: Staghorn Sumac
Rosa palustris: Swamp Rose
Sambucus canadensis: Elderberry
Spiraea tomentosa; Hardhack
Viburnum dentatum: Arrowwood
Native Azaleas: 24-36” Full 3 gallons: $16.00
R. alabamense: Alabama Azalea
R. arborescens: Sweet Azalea
R. atlanticum: Coastal Azalea
R. calendulaceum: Flame Azalea
R. canescens: Piedmont Azalea
R. cumberlandense: Cumberland
R. periclymeniodes: Pinxterbloom
R. prunifolium: Plumleaf Azaleas
R. vaseyi: Pinkshell Azalea
R. viscosum: Swamp Azalea
B&B Shrubs: All dug to order
Plants available now from 2’ to 8’ depending on the species. Please give us a call or drop us an email to discuss your needs.
Rhododendron maximum (3 grades)
Roseum Elegans
English Roseum
Cat. Album
Nova Zembla
Max Roseum
Other Rhododendron too
Kalmia latifolia (3 grades)
Kalmia Hybrids
Native Azaleas
Please remember that we have many more species than we have listed here ready to go. We have the capabilities to deliver large and small orders all over the country (plus China).
Please refer to our website:
for all current pricing.